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Sunday, January 22, 2006

CNY Tournament

Champion of the New Year

Money Back tournament (Entry Fee - Cost = Prize Pool)

Date: 18th to 19th February 2006 (Saturday & Sunday)

Venue: Berjaya Times Square

Time: Starts at 9am on both days (Registration opens at 8.30 am)


Division A: 16 rounds (9 rounds on Saturday, 7 rounds on Sunday)
Division B: 15 rounds (8 rounds on Saturday, 7 rounds on Sunday)
Division C: 12 rounds (7 rounds on Saturday, 5 rounds on Sunday)

Division A: If 16 players or less, 1 full round robin and KOTH for the rest. If 17 players or more, KOTH 12 no-repeat + 4 repeat.
Division B: If 16 players or less, 1 full round robin and KOTH for the rest. If 17 players or more, KOTH 12 no-repeat + 3 repeat.
Division C: If 12 players or less, 1 full round robin + KOTH for the rest. If 13 or more, KOTH 9 no-repeat + 3 repeat.

Eligibility: Have been posted BELOW.
If you are playing in your first tournament, you will be placed initially in Div C. If you want to play in Div A or B, please consult the tournament organizers before the tournament begins.

Dictionary: SOWPODS


Division A: WSC 5-point challenge (5 points per WORD)
Division B: 5-point penalty (5 points per TURN)
Division C: Free challenge (NO penalties whatsoever)

Entry Fee:
Division A: RM60 for adults
Division A: RM30 for students
Division B: RM55 for adults
Division B: RM25 for students
Division C: RM50 for adults
Division C: RM20 for students

RM10 discount for those who register with Yeo Kien Hung before 10th February 2006
Walk-ins are welcomed on a first come first serve basis

Remarks: Please bring your own equipment (boards, racks, tiles & clock) if possible The organizers are not able to provide equipment for all present due to limited resources.

Interested participants please email your entry to Yeo Kien Hung at or sms your name and age to 012-688 1236


Anonymous Anonymous said...

pardon..what's KOTH??

11:22 PM

Blogger ^newhopes^ said...

KOTH = "King of the Hill" format

2:57 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

what are the results?

3:53 PM

Anonymous Two letter scrabble words said...

scrabble is always good at the brain, its a good exercise..i do love playing scrabble, especially it can enhance our brain and its really a good help.

10:31 AM


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