All the latest news, tournaments, results and ratings on the Malaysian Scrabble Scene.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Back in Malaysia

Had a hectic four days of competitive Scrabble in the 20th Brand's King's Cup tournament. Considering my history at this event and the JINX of a roommate, I think finishing 26th looks nice, eventhough I was sitting on a opportunity to finish in the top ten on the very last day.

I will find time to post game by game humiliation later, once I compiled the necessary information. I have the soft copy of the tournament data that Andy Kurnia wants me to forward since he forgot to bring his peripheral drives, I think Ricky beat me to it.

I thought I would be the last oversea participant to return home today, until I saw Douglas Lobo walking up to his departure gate 30 minutes late and missing his flight back home. I hope he got on a later flight as it was already 8.30 when I departed.

Will put up more here when I have the time. That's all for now.


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