A round of applause to MENSA for another excellent Scrabble Tournament.
The results and ratings have already been updated on the MSA archives. WSC Qualifiers standings have also been updated.
Participants walked away with cash prizes, hampers, game sets (Scrabble & Pictionary) and trophies. Sport prizes were also handed out by the hour throughout the competition.
Will post any reports or account here when I get them.
Here is an account from Tan Jin Chor of "Kopitiam" fame.
It was an 8-game tournament, 6 games without repeat and the last two being King-of-the-Hill.
I had a very good start, winning my first five games, some of which were very closely fought-out. My game with Jocelyn Lor was not won by me but lost by her: if she had not hooked an S to HAIKU she would have won it. Before the start of the sixth game, I was leading the field with 5 wins. My sixth opponent was Henry Yeo. I lost to him due as much to poor play on my part as to good play on his. At the end of that game, there were three of us with five wins: Pui, Henry and myself. My seventh game was with Pui, whom I had beaten earlier that morning. This time around, Pui thrashed me by 97 points.
Meanwhile, Jocelyn beat Henry and earned the right to play Pui in the final game. But she
needed to win by 151 points to clinch the title. Henry and I had to play each other
for 3rd and 4th position. As it turned out, Jocelyn beat Pui, but could only finish 2nd
as Pui's spread was superior. As for me, I lost my third game in a row, losing to Henry
mainly because I held GIINORS, saw SIGNIOR which would not play, failed to see ORIGINS and was not sure of SIGNORI and did not have the guts to "tembak"!
Henry finished 3rd and I was fourth.
Nevertheless, it was a most enjoyable tournament: coffee,tea and snacks were
provided both in the morning and the afternoon breaks, loads of spot prizes were
given away and the players were, without exception, highly competitive and
sportsmanlike. It ended with everyone wishing for more. Kudos and thanks to Goh
Siu Lin and her Mensa team for a job well done, indeed!